About Us ~ Our Mission

America Bhavana Society promotes the cultivation in pariyatti (study), patipatti (practice) and pativedha (realization) of the Buddha’s Teachings for the final liberation of sufferings. We endeavour to establish and develop conducive environments to practice, propagate and perpetuate Samatha and Vipassana meditation in accordance with the instructions of the Buddha.

Our primary activities include the following:

  • Conduct Dhamma talks, Dhamma courses, meditation courses and retreats
  • Propagate the Buddha’s Teachings through the Dhamma eLearning platform, and the printing and distribution of Dhamma books and materials
  • Establish and develop conducive environments for Dhamma practice and Dhamma-related activities

Buddhasāsanaṁ ciraṁ tiṭṭhatu!
Sādhu! Sādhu! Sādhu!