Practical Abhidhamma


Course Details


The Buddha explained to us different types of consciousnesses, different types of mental factors, different types of materialities, and Nibbāna in his teaching.
They are also Nāma-rūpa – mentality and materiality.
They are also Khandhās – the aggregates.
They are also Ariyasaccā – the noble truths.

If we want to know Nāma-rūpa, Khandhā, Saccā and any other grouping of ultimate realities, we must study Abhidhamma. There are many ultimate realities arising in every single second in our daily life. If we can know them every moment, we are practicing the Buddha’s Teaching, the higher trainings.

As we have the three Sāsanās:
1) Pariyatti-sāsanā – learning the instructions of the Buddha,
2) Paṭipatti-sāsanā – practicing the instructions of the Buddha, and
3) Pativedha-sāsanā – realizing the truth as instructed by the Buddha or attaining noble-hood by the power of practicing.

We must learn for practicing and practice for realizing in order to attain the complete cessation of all ultimate realities at the end of our life.

May all beings be well and happy!

May all beings be able to enjoy the taste of Noble Dhamma!

With Mettā, U Kovida

About Teacher

  • 1976 Sayadaw U Kovida was born in Myanmar.
  • 1990 He was ordained as a Samanera at 14 years old.
  • 1996 He was ordained as Bhikkhu at Mahāvisutārāma Monastery, Salin.
  • 1990-1999 He learned Tipitaka at Mahāvisutārāma Monastery, Salin
  • 2000-2003 He further studied at Masoeyein-teikthit in Mandalay and awarded the prestigious title of Sasanadhaja-Dhammacariya.
  • 2003-2004 He started teaching Buddhist Scriptures at the same monastery.
  • 2006 He practiced under the guidance of Ven. Pa-Auk Sayadawgyi.
  • 2008 He started teaching meditation at Pa-Auk Tawya Meditation Centre (Main).
  • Sayadaw is fluent in Burmese and English. He has been conducting Meditation Retreats in: Korea (2010), Latvia (2010), Malaysia (2013). He has given Dhamma talks in: Singapore (2010, 2018), Malaysia (2011, 2013, 2017), China, Taiwan (2013, 2018), Indonesia (2013), Thailand. Sri Lanka (2015), Vietnam (2016, 2017, 2018), USA, India, Canada (2018).

What You'll Study

  1. Chapter 1 Citta – Consciousness
  2. Chapter 1 Citta – Consciousness
  3. Chapter 1 Citta – Consciousness
  4. Chapter 1 Citta – Consciousness
  5. Chapter 1 Citta – Consciousness
  6. Chapter 1 Citta – Consciousness
  7. Chapter 2 Cetasika – Mental Factors
  8. Chapter 2 Cetasika – Mental Factors
  9. Chapter 2 Cetasika – Mental Factors
  10. Chapter 3 Materiality
  11. Chapter 3 Materiality
  12. Chapter 4 Mental Process
  13. Chapter 4 Mental Process
  14. Chapter 4 Mental Process
  15. Chapter 5 Kamma
  16. Chapter 5 Introduction to Paṭiccasamuppāda (Dependent Origination)
  17. Chapter 5 Introduction to Paṭiccasamuppāda (Dependent Origination)
  18. Chapter 5 Paṭṭhāna
  19. Chapter 5 Paṭṭhāna
  20. Chapter 5 Paṭṭhāna
  21. Chapter 5 Paṭṭhāna
  22. Chapter 5 Paṭṭhāna

Chapter 6 Mediation. The Seven Stages of Purification

  1. Chapter 6 Sīlavisuddhi – The Purification of Morality
  2. Chapter 6 Introduction to Meditation
  3. Chapter 6 The Prerequisites of Meditation
  4. Chapter 6 The Recollection of the Buddha
  5. Chapter 6 Mettā – Loving-kindness
  6. Chapter 6 The Ten Repulsiveness Meditations, Recollection of Death, The Four Protective Meditations
  7. Chapter 6 The Ten Kasiṇas
  8. Chapter 6 The Four Elements
  9. Chapter 6 Diṭṭhivisuddhi – The Purification of View
  10. Chapter 6 42 Body-parts
  11. Chapter 6 Discerning Mentality
  12. Chapter 6 Kaṅkhā-vitaraṇā-visuddhi – The Purification of Overcoming Doubt
  13. Chapter 6 Maggāmagga-ñāṇadassana-visuddhi – The Purification of the Path & Non-Path, Knowledge and Vision
  14. Chapter 6 Udayabbayañāṇa – The Knowledge of Arising and Perishing
  15. Chapter 6 Paṭipadā-ñāṇadassana-visuddhi – Practice Knowledge & Vision Purification
  16. Chapter 6 Bhayañāṇa – The Knowledge of Appearance as Terror, Ādīnavañāṇa – The Knowledge of Danger, Nibbidāñāṇa – The Knowledge of Disenchantment
  17. Chapter 6 Muñcitukamyatā

Student Requirement