Support Us

Support Us

~ Donations are welcome to support the propagation of Dhamma and accumulation of great merits. ~
America Bhavana Society was established with the support of a group of Dhamma friends. The society is still at its initial setting up phase and we appreciate all your support in our mission to promote the cultivation in the Buddha’s Teachings for the benefits of all beings.

America Bhavana Society promotes the cultivation in pariyatti, patipatti and pativedha of the Buddha’s Teachings for the final liberation of sufferings. We endeavour to establish and develop conducive environments to practice, propagate and perpetuate Samatha and Vipassana meditation in accordance with the instructions of the Buddha.

Our primary activities include the following:

• Conduct Dhamma talks, Dhamma courses, meditation courses and retreats

• Propagate the Buddha’s Teachings through the Dhamma eLearning platform, and the printing and distribution of Dhamma books and materials

• Establish and develop conducive environments for Dhamma practice and Dhamma-related activities

All Donations

How to Donate from the USA

Bank Transfer:
Bank Name: Chase Bank
Account Number: 835-2180-30
Account Name: America Bhavana Society

Zelle transfer:
Zeller Account:

Paypal transfer:

ABS (America Bhavana Society) is IRS approved 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We will provide tax deductible donation receipt, which may not be applicable outside US.

Please state your mobile number or email address below to inform us about your donation so that we could send a copy of the receipt to you (if applicable).

We greatly appreciate your generosity to support our mission!

May the merit of dana be shared with all sentient beings!

May all the merits thus accumulated be the supporting condition for your realization of Nibbāna!

Buddhasāsanaṁ ciraṁ tiṭṭhatu!

Sādhu! Sādhu! Sādhu!